Patient Participation Group

Have you ever thought about joining our Patient Participation Group?

Our Patient Participation Group, or PPG for short, is run by volunteer patients and our practice manager to help strengthen the relationship between the practice and you, our patients.

Your PPG contributes ideas, feedback and suggestions to improve patient experience. If you’d like to know more or want to get involved, speak to someone at reception today.

Please note that meetings are held from 18:00 – 19:30.

Rushey Green

Join Us

Our group is made up of patients of the Practice who meet four or more times a year at the surgery to help the GP Partners and their staff develop services for our patients. They give ideas and opinions on new services and bring feedback from patients to help improve services.

The main objective of our group is to improve the information available to patients and to increase awareness of different conditions which it seeks to do through regular meetings, hosting special information events and improving the communication link between the practice and its patients.

Interested in joining?

The PPG ALWAYS welcomes new members and anyone who is interested in joining should contact us via Reception or email.

For more information please email:

Baring Road

The Baring Road Medical Centre Patient Participation Group (PPG) was set up in 2000 and is still going strong, constantly influencing the decisions of the Practice, pointing the Practice in the right direction and positively making a difference to our patients.

Patient input is crucial to the development of Baring Road Medical Centre’s services and the future of the NHS as a whole, and we welcome patients from all ages and backgrounds to join our PPG. The group meets every 6 weeks to discuss the quality of our services, potential ways to improve the practice and methods to further local health education. The opinions, concerns and ideas that arise from these discussions are highly valued and have made significant differences in the past.

PPG set up: 2000

Patients are welcome to attend the PPG meetings to share their ideas and be kept updated with Practice news.

We encourage and would be pleased to hear from patients of all ethnic backgrounds and age groups.

Please see sample letter that were sent to randomly selected patients inviting them to join our group.

PPG Terms of Reference

Letter Inviting you to join the PPG